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Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

This policy aims to explain how the personal data of users of the Ourique Advogados website is treated, considering what personal data is collected from users and what is done with them. In addition, it is also the purpose of this policy to inform how the user can exercise their rights regarding their data.

2. About the office and its contacts

Information and/or questions about how we process personal data or to request personal data stored or request its deletion, contact us by e-mail: For any other questions, use our support by the same email or by phone: (11) 9 3945-1930.

3. Why we collect personal data

The user's personal data is collected exclusively for Ourique's use to allow to:


  • Submit a fee proposal/contract for services requested by the user;

  • Ensure the security of user data;

  • Send relevant communications to our customers;

  • Create new features and improve existing ones in order to improve the customer experience;

  • Allow communication of updates, support services, alerts and notifications to the customer;

  • Fulfill legal and contractual obligations.

4. What data do we collect

Usage data: information is collected about your navigation on our website, which contents and tabs were accessed.

5. How long do we store the data

The data collected is stored for as long as necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was collected or to comply with legal and contractual obligations.

6. As for data transfer

All data collected is used by Ourique Advogados. Sharing with third parties will only be carried out with the prior approval of the customer.

7. What are the user rights

  • Confirm the existence of processing of your personal data;

  • Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed personal data that does not comply with the LGPD;

  • Deletion of data processed with your consent;

  • Obtain information about the public and private entities with which the controller shared personal data;

  • Obtain information about the possibility of not consenting to the processing of personal data and about the consequences of denial.

8. What security measures are taken

The security measures used by Ourique Advogados are carried out in order to ensure that user data is always as protected as possible, so that only the firm's professionals have direct access to the data.

In addition to the entire security framework implemented, internal security tests are also performed.

9. Reviewing and updating the privacy policy

The document is valid as of 08/01/2022 and if there is any update to the privacy policy, we will update the information contained in this document.

The Privacy Policy will be reviewed and updated, at least annually, in order to keep in line with business rules, best market practices, laws, regulations and other aspects.

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