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Who we are

Ourique Advogados was created as a result of the partial split of the Hesketh Advogados law firm, where Alessandra Ourique, founding partner, worked for 24 years.

This new configuration took place in 2022 thanks to partners Alessandra Ourique and Paola Sandoval, who also worked at Hesketh Advogados over a decade ago.

Its multidisciplinary vision of Law combined with its entrepreneurial spirit meant that Ourique Advogados was created with the main goal of adding vigor and momentum to traditional law practice and bringing together technical competence and practical direction with regard to the services provided.

Who we are

Ethics, transparency and responsibility are the principles that guide our relationships.

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We have a multidisciplinary view of Law, focusing on asset management and business.

We create tailor-made solutions, we prioritize being close to our customers, knowing their history, identifying their real needs, building innovative strategies and solutions, all quickly and efficiently.

We act preventively (advisory), extrajudicially (negotiations and friendly settlements) and litigation (administrative and judicial).

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Main Areas of Operation

Direito Imobiliário

Real State

  • Advice for real estate business in general, in urban or rural areas (purchase and sale, exchange, incorporation, subdivision, donation, lease, lending, usufruct, partnership);

  • Administrative procedures for the regularization of areas/titles, dismemberment/splitting, unification and rectification of registrations;

  • Tax advice on real estate transactions (IPTU, ITR, ITBI, ITCMD and GCAP);

  • Corporate advice for planning, structuring and incorporation of companies aiming at the organization of assets and tax efficiency (preparation of articles of association, statutes, agreements of partners/quotaholders/shareholders and other necessary instruments).

Direito Contencioso


  • Extrajudicial and judicial measures in general, within the scope of Public and Private Law;

  • Notifications and interpellations;

  • Possessory and petitionary suits in general (reintegration and maintenance of possession, claims, adverse possession, etc.);

  • Condominium extinction suits (judicial alienation and division);

  • Administrative and judicial corrections;

  • Eviction, rent revision and renewal suits;

  • Suits involving civil liability;

  • Claim for material and moral damages;

  • Credit recovery.

Direito Infraestrutura

(energy and sanitation):

  • Elaboração de pareceres jurídicos;

  • Preparation of legal opinions;

  • Legal advice;

  • Negotiation, elaboration and mediation of specific contracts, necessary for the formalization of the provision of public services;

  • Participation in public hearings;

  • Representations with the control bodies (State’s Attorney Offices, Court of Auditors, etc.);

  • Representation in administrative and judicial proceedings.



Alessandra Ourique

OAB/SP 183.004

Paola Sandoval

OAB/SP 363.755

Alessandra Faria

OAB/SP 240.757

Carlo Fantoni

OAB/SP 428.070

Mariana Rey

Tiago Favaro Novo

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